Hazing Report Form

As defined in the Lincoln University Student Handbook - Hazing, is defined and prohibited by both college regulations and Pennsylvania state law. These regulations apply to all groups and organizations operating on campus.

If this matter is an emergency or time-sensitive, please the Lincoln University Office of Public Safety (484-365-7211) immediately. You can also utilize the "LiveSafe" app as a resource. This form is not intended for use in emergency situations.

A properly submitted report will result in an investigation. The information submitted in this form will be treated as confidential to the extent permitted by law. Our ability to investigate hazing incidents depends on the accuracy and specificity of the information you provide.

You may submit a report anonymously below by indicating "anonymous" in the name section. Please understand that this may limit the extent to which the University is able to address the issue.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form.

Please fill out all required fields.

When did the incident take place